The Yoda of computer programming.
Pure thinking.
Asymmetry is the new world order
The prophet of our times masked as a sci-fi legend.
The one who broke all rules and changed the XX. century
He was programming dolphins and humans. Like we do computers.
He wrote 20 years ago the headlines of today. And he still writes.
Father of cybernetics. Understanding life from 4,000,000,000 B.C.
We are living the aesthetics of disappearance
The one who lived and understood technology is more important than humans.
A biologist acting God and creating synthetic life.
Power and how it works in society
The librarian of all ancient knowledge.
The new breed. One who knows what Control really is.
I am thinked
The invincible genius. He was deliberately looking for death.
There are no requirements
The 0.00001%
A sharp eyewitness of the birth of capitalism.
we never had any caprice or will of our own
Genial insights into human mind, heart and spirit
think yourself as a dreaming robot on autopilot
Like Betrand Russell for the XXth, perhaps he knows the essence of this century.
Breaking the sanctuary of state and politics
The afterlife is a fairy tale
A scientist adding an imaginary dimension to reality and saving the world, and us.
Writes about aristocracy. And about the invisible things.
The Russian cultural oligarch.
Writer. About living with attitude.
A gentleman.
Advertising is the way we grant power to the machines.
Art, science, free physical work
Who knew more about humans than Dostoevskiy.
In that moment you stop believing it, disappears.
The first metaman.
Flip the coin
A brutalist