Lately even tech news are giving me anxiety.
After a decade of consuming news / information from all channels every single day, throughout the whole day, gradually I’ve managed to spend around half an hour a day on the internet. This includes everything like social media, professional news, and local / world news.
The result of this process is this blog. Partially, because this blog is focusing only on professional news. On social media I have nothing to say, or consume, I use it for messaging only. On personal development / world and local news I write a post a week elsewhere.
What struck me lately is how tech got institutionalised. Local news are about corruption; world news are about wars and conflicts; tech news are about abuse ― how Apple, Amazon, Alphabet, Facebook & co are exploiting us.
Tech is not fun anymore. Tech is not exciting anymore. Tech doesn’t gives back pleasure anymore. Tech is hostile as the world around brought by the news.
Ten years ago I found the real life more boring than the digital universe. Now I find true the exact opposite. No problem. All my works ― like this blog ― will stay optimistic. I’ll filter out everything and trying to bring back the joy in tech.