To React with best practices. Written by @metamn.
A series of articles.
Consistent user interfaces in web context.
Design tools and processes.
I optimize for less cognitive load.
Where to destructure props, and assign default values to them.
Workflow, practices and deliverables.
For highly interactive, static websites without API.
React—used appropriately—works.
22 things in random order.
React and the ecosystem mapped up.
Cory House nails it.
Easy to use on the front-end. More complicated on the back-end.
How joy and simplicity was brought back into our lives by the Facebook crew.
React follows the Functional Reactive Programming paradigm. That’s a shift from the old proactive, imperative approach.
A way to think about Information Architecture in React terms.
Everything in React rolls around the concept of state.
That’s nearly impossible today.
Or else.
GraphQL comes from the same family as React. And React is functional and reactive.
A deep dive into the language and the ecosystem around.
Get a SPA on a headless WordPress!
It’s the future. It’s expensive. It’s unstable. And all these (will be) manageable.
Recently I’ve been commissioned to find out ways to create APIs on AWS to be consumed by web and native mobile clients.
Theming and live preview: the most important features of a classic CMS now available also in Gatsby.
We couldn’t have better news. Lean code. Official stack. Strong leader.
Shiny new features on the way!
New techniques for old problems.
And we clearly miss it.
Pick two colors … and voila!
One should be able to use code to work with colors, and think about colors in the same way thinks about other programming artifacts like data and algorithms.
A tool to generate color palette for sites and apps is always welcome. Yet one perfectly tailored to web is missing.
To have an ideal grid where all elements are both vertically and horizontally aligned is possible. And a bit difficult.
Typography has to be completely rethought.
With React — a reactive / responsive framework — it’s time to rethink the responsiveness of a website.
No one can imagine how much creativity gone lost while we had no Storybook or an alternative.
WordPress is here with Gutenberg — it’s time to react.